June 4, 2020 – 7:00PM (Eastern Time)

June 5, 2020 – 7:00PM (Eastern Time)


Through music and art, Cristina will raise funds for the campaign #UnitedForGalapagos. This campaign seeks to support the approximately 3,000 residents of the Galapagos Islands (10% of the population) that are in mainland Ecuador and cannot return to their homes.

As a result of the health emergency, all flights to the islands were cancelled in mid March immediately before these residents could complete their travel home. At the moment, these residents are looking at a phased return program under established strict health control protocols.

With your contributions we could:
+ Help the people from the Islands to return to their homes.
+ Assemble food kits for people in need.
+ Create solidarity bonds to mitigate the economic impact caused by the current situation.
+ Make PCR tests
+ Develop a logistic to reactivate the islands

The #GalapagosMusicFest is an initiative created to support hundred of families impacted by the current situation in the #GalapagosIslands. We are united non-profit artists, contributing to the cause with a little art from our corner.

Please, consider DONATING TODAY to the Galapagos Beat Fund. A tax deductible fund created through CAF AMERICA. The people from thee Enchanted Islands thank you!